
Rojo Naranja Amarillo Verde Azul Morado Rosa

The ongoing effort to create an amazing preschool experience by Nancy and her staff includes enrichment activities that provide an educational variety and excellence for your student. The Spanish Program at NNA is an opportunity for students to be introduced to foreign language in an age-appropriate and exciting way.

Many educational institutes have tested and proved the following:

  • Children in foreign language programs have tended to demonstrate greater cognitive development, creativity, and divergent thinking than monolingual children. (Bruck, Lamber, and Tucker, 1974: Hakuta, 1986; Weatherford, 1986)
  • When children are adequately exposed to two languages at an early age, they are more flexible and creative (Bamford and mizokawa, 1991), and they reach higher levels of cognitive development at an earlier age than their monolingual peers (Hamayan, 1986)
  • Kindergarten students starting in the foreign language program in 1988, had surpassed national averages in all subjects by the time they reached fifth grade. Oddly enough, [they] performed especially well in mathematics (Eaton, 1994)

As I continue to combine my love for Spanish and teaching here at NNA, I look forward to working with your student by stimulating their amazing little brains with our Preschool Spanish Program.

~ Noah's Ark

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